Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Walter thinks I am a good mom

A few days ago Walt called and we had a really long conversation.

Fade to black... Background info about his current girlfriend (Jodi, guessing at the spelling). She is 30 and has a 9 year old daughter. She works at a Chili's in Houston. One of the managers of the location where she works was killed a few weeks ago in the parking lot by a pissed off customer (another black cloud thing). That doesn't have so much to do with this story but thought I would point out the black cloud.

House lights up... So Walt and I had this long conversation about life. He told me he was getting old. I said "you should see life through these eyes." I don't think he got what I was saying. Anyway, I asked him why he thought he was old and he said he had been out to lunch and saw a bunch of girls with VERY short shorts and skimpy tops. He said a few years ago that would have "turned him on" but all he could think of now was "does your mother know you are dressed like that?"

We talked about how when he was in high school he did pretty much what he wanted and I never really set a curfew for what time he had to be home as long as he told me where he was going to be and when he would be home. He said he couldn't remeber the last time we argued (well I can, it was about 6 months ago). Anyway at the end of the conversation he told me that I was a good mom and he loved me.

I always thought that he would figure that out.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Change of Plans

Well, Lynn decided that we didn't need to risk going to Port Aransas after all. He was afraid we would get there and then have to turn around and evacuate. So here is the current location of the hurricane.

On Monday the computer model had it hitting Corpus Christi (or between CC and Port Aransas) and now it looks like it might hit Port O'Connor. Each time they update the projected target is diffrent but still too close to where we would have been. At any rate it is best that we changed our plans. We will go on September 25 now. Maybe we will get to see all the junk that washes up and help clean the beach.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Port Aransas and Hurricane Ike

Well, we have planed a trip to Port Aransas for 2 months now (leaving Wednesday). Lynn is dying to get away and I am happy to be somewhere with him. However, it seems that Ike is headed right to our destination. That doesn't matter to him but I am a bit worried. I said we should fill up with gas when we get there in case we have to evacuate (if that happens it will cut our vacation short by about 3 days). The computer generated models seem to point the eye of the storm between Corpus Christi and Galveston. Well, maybe everything will be just fine. I hope so anyway. When we get home I am sure I will have tons of pictures to post.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Marching Season

Well, I don't have a kid in marching band anymore but I dearly love marching season. There is a high school about 2 miles away and when the wind blows just right you can hear the drums. I will always be a "band mom." Walt (the black cloud kid) was in the band through high school. So far I think I am most proud of that. Sure I am proud that he FINALLY graduated from college and he has a great job but the band thing was his first real struggle and he stuck with it. I could go on for days about why I think the band gave him the resources he needed to get through life up to this point but that would be boring to anyone except me. Instead here is the second most boring thing (to anyone except me)... Pictures from marching band.

About Me

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I love to sew and that is about all I have to say about that. I am not creative but I can follow instructions so I love to re-create all sorts of things. If I am not spending time making "junk" I am hanging out with my family. I also love to take pictures. I will take hundreds of pictures at any event with the hope that I get best picture EVER! >ôô<